Watch this space. Currently no fix for this. You have to shutdown if you don’t want your computer and monitor on all night.
Windows 10 also has a problem with some devices even preventing the screensaver. Unplug joysticks etc, or just shutdown.
I’ll update when there is a fix or workaround.
as of 29/8/2015, update KB3081448 or KB3081452 or KB3081449 (they don’t tell you what they fix) seems to have fixed the sleep problem.
Ill keep you updated.
NOT fixed. Now does go to sleep, then wakes up within 10 or 20 seconds.
If you disable all wake events (power) it will sleep now. Still wakes up when it feels like it, but seems to be improving.
in device manager find your network device. open properties and on the power tab untick ‘Allow this device to wake the computer’. Computer will now sleep much more reliably.