MSI installers, failing signed key. No encrypted or compressed temp folders. Windows 10 and a shared drive with Linux?
internal error 2755, 110 ?
If your sharing a NTFS drive with both windows and linux, then you may well lose some permissions on folders in the shared NTFS drive.
Even i f you are not sharing a NTFS drive in a dual boot system with windows 10 and linux yet you have these symptoms..
internal error 2755. 110 or ‘cannot open device or file specified’.
If you have already done the google and noticed you have no encrypted folders or files, then probably your linux is stripping some permissions from your dual boot shared drive.
Easy fix.
Where you download your files,
- Right click your downloads folder and -> properties
- Security tab
- Advanced
- Enable inheritance
- Apply
If your more with the security angle, then make sure SYSTEM has some access.
Easier fix?
Another option is to copy the installer files to your windows boot drive. They will install fine from there without you having to mess with your shared drive permissions.